Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


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Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM VI-13 (幸町総合教育棟 第32講義室)

座長:新井 崇裕(鹿島建設)

[VI-134] Load carrying capacity examination of RC bridge which re-deteriorates repeatedly under subtropical island environment.

*田代 大樹1、本田 博幸1、中池 竜司1、平野 貴之1 (1. 大日本コンサルタント株式会社 九州支社)

Keywords:RC concrete bridge, Salt damage, Re-deterioration, Loading test, Stress frequency, Deflection measurement

In this report, in the RC bridge located in the coastal area of Okinawa Prefecture, re-deterioration has occurred on the lower surface of the main girder which has repeatedly been subjected to cross-section repair in the past. I confirmed the power. As a result of the test, it was confirmed that the residual load capacity against actual traffic was sufficiently high, and had sufficient reinforcing effect.

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