[VI-184] Design of segments of opening section for large-diameter shield tunnel
Keywords:Large-diameter shield tunnel, Reinforcement beam for opening, Analysis of multi-ring beam string structure, Analysis of 3D shell string
Recently, large weight is applied to segment rings because shield tunnel has been larger and deeper, and it makes opening segments support larger load.
To design opening segments, “one ring method” based on Sewage Temporary Designing Manual has been mainly used, however, “Multi-ring beam string method” is also being major.
These days, there are some designing cases to use “3D structure model method”, “3D shell string model method” or ”3D solid model method” as analysis.
This paper reports the differences between each designing methods: “one ring method”, “Multi-ring beam string method”, “3D shell string model method”, based on the actual analysis results.
To design opening segments, “one ring method” based on Sewage Temporary Designing Manual has been mainly used, however, “Multi-ring beam string method” is also being major.
These days, there are some designing cases to use “3D structure model method”, “3D shell string model method” or ”3D solid model method” as analysis.
This paper reports the differences between each designing methods: “one ring method”, “Multi-ring beam string method”, “3D shell string model method”, based on the actual analysis results.
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