Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


建設マネジメント (2)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 10:25 AM - 11:55 AM VI-6 (幸町総合教育棟 多目的室1)

座長:永田 尚人(熊谷組)

[VI-294] Development of Cave-in Potential Map of FUJISAWA City by Public-Academia-Private Collavorative Study

*瀬良 良子1、平田 良祐2、山本 陽子2、桑野 玲子1、米本 幸子3、黒沢 菜月3 (1. 東京大学生産技術研究所、2. 藤沢市道路河川部、3. ジオ・サーチ(株))

Keywords:road cave-in, prevention, regional characteristics, potential, evaluation

A collaboration among Fujisawa city and Univ. of Tokyo and GEO SEARCH discussed effective solutions for prevention of road cave-in. “Development of Cave-in Potential Map in Fujisawa city” is one approach to this study and this is the first attempt to evaluate the regional area based on cavity information. The map serves to assess the possibility of evaluate the road traffic network. The parameters were set by analyzing the cavity information based on the actual condition of cavity occurrence. Evaluation was set to four degrees using the combination of cavity environmental factor.

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