Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


設計技術 (3)/特殊構造物

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 4:40 PM - 6:10 PM VI-1 (幸町北8号館 811講義室)

座長:浦野 和彦(安藤・間)

[VI-32] FRP-Made Wall Balustrade Installation in the Tollgate-Refurbishment for the Transfer of Kyoto Route

*北村 将太郎1、坂井 康人1、吉田 章人2 (1. 阪神高速道路、2. 阪神高速技術)

Keywords:FRP-Made Wall Balustrade, the Transfer of Kyoto Route, the efurbishments of tollgates


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