Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


施工技術 (1)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM VI-10 (幸町総合教育棟 多目的室3)

座長:大木 基裕(東海旅客鉄道株式会社)

[VI-33] Examination of Mechanical watertight gates installation under different conditions

*堀 真大1、青木 正明1、江原 文武1、糸井 一義1、菅原 翔1 (1. 東京地下鉄株式会社)

Keywords:Subway, Destruction of the Arakawa embankment, Inundation measures, Tunnel wellhead, Mechanical water gates

According to a report by the Central Disaster Prevention Council, if the Arakawa embankment destruction caused by the flood will spread to the central Tokyo area, and it is estimated that many subway floods occur. Based on this report and the Tokyo flood hazard map, Tokyo Metro promotes the installation of a mechanical water gate at the wellhead of the tunnel to prevent the flood of the tunnel.
In this report, we introduce the cases, the wellhead of two tunnels of Chiyoda Line and Ginza Line. The installation method of the mechanical watertight gate in different conditions was examined at the wellhead of two tunnels of these.

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