Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 10:25 AM - 11:55 AM VI-8 (幸町総合教育棟 第22講義室)

座長:竹本 久高(鹿島建設)

[VI-359] To expand the application scope of automatic concrete compaction management system

*倉知 星人1、千葉 力1、原科 実2、田中 善之2、藤原 伸輝3 (1. (株)竹中土木、2. (株)共立模型、3. 計測技研(株))

Keywords:cast-in-place concrete, compaction, labor saving (mechanization), visualization (informatization)

At present, the compaction of the cast-in-place concrete is performed manually without leaving any information of the compaction location and the compaction time. Therefore, we have mechanized the concrete compaction system with a construction information visualization feature that can save labor and also improve the quality of the casted concrete. In order to expand the application scope of the system reported last year, we have made improvements and confirmed the operation. The results have satisfied the development goals.

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