Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


橋梁 (1)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 2:55 PM - 4:25 PM VI-8 (幸町総合教育棟 第22講義室)

座長:利波 宗典(大成建設)

[VI-368] Construction of pedestrian bridge under a lot of constraints situation

*横木 孝輔1、齋藤 隆1、兼丸 隆裕1、吉崎 龍太郎2、島田 剛気2 (1. 株式会社大林組、2. 首都高速道路株式会社)

Keywords:Ground improvement, Renewal, Narrow space, Shorten the construction period, High spec micro pile method


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