Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


シールドトンネル (5)

Wed. Sep 4, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM VI-2 (幸町北8号館 812講義室)

座長:服部 鋭啓(大林組)

[VI-487] Shield tunneling achievement under deep sea floor using trouble avoidance system

*白井 健泰1 (1. 鹿島建設)

Keywords:Trouble avoidance, Risk score, Sign detection, Serious trouble prevention, KSJS

There is concern about the emergence of problems that have been prevented by the experience and knowledge of skilled workers. Focusing on the four major problems that should be particularly avoided in shield construction, such as "large-scale ground deformation", "unable to shield machine", "segment damage" and "linear deviation", to detect and judge the occurrence signs in advance. We developed a shield trouble avoidance system that supports digging management by transmitting information on trouble avoidance. As we applied to realization place and confirmed the effectiveness, we report this contents.

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