Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


山岳トンネル (6)

Wed. Sep 4, 2019 10:25 AM - 11:55 AM VI-5 (幸町総合教育棟 第11大講義室)

座長:砂金 伸治(首都大学東京)

[VI-548] Construction results of dry-mix shotcrete with liquid accelerator for small cross section tunnel

*紺野 勝之1、栁沼 良明2、高田 丈夫1 (1. 鹿島建設(株)、2. 常磐共同火力(株))

Keywords:small cross section tunnel, shotcrete, dry-mix shotcrete, liquid accelerator

The intake tunnel of NAKOSO thermal power plant has a small cross section of about 16 m2. The tunnel was located under the sea level, a shaft with a depth of 18m is needed to access there.It is considered to be difficult to transport shotcrete with concrete mixer car under such disposition, concrete pumping to the tunnel face was selected as a transportation measure. Powder transport was selected to prevent tube blockage and dry-mix shotcrete combining with liquid accelerator was adopted for the shotcrete material. In this paper, construction results of this shotcrete were described.

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