Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


建設マネジメント (5)

Wed. Sep 4, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM VI-6 (幸町総合教育棟 多目的室1)

座長:宮田 和(清水建設)

[VI-558] Role of local construction engineers and their education

*今西 肇1、小野 貴史2 (1. 東北工業大学、2. 小野組)

Keywords:Regional construction industry, Manufacturing, Making things, Engineer education, Telework

Local construction companies are affected by the declining birthrate and aging population, and there is a current situation where job seekers from universities and high schools do not gather enough. In areas where engineers are required, it is also a fact that technical civil servants themselves have not been able to sufficiently communicate technology, and the fact that the sharing system of making things as a construction industry and making things as a civil servant is breaking down is there. In this paper, we discuss the system from the technology transfer and the creation of local things to the manufacturing about human resource development of civil engineering engineers.

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