Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


軌道保守 (10)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 2:25 PM - 3:55 PM VI-4 (幸町北8号館 822講義室)

座長:森本 勝(東海旅客鉄道)

[VI-906] Comparison between Dynamic Track Irregularity Distributions and Static Track Irregularity Distributions based on Track Structure

*石川 智行1、坪川 洋友1、三和 雅史1、関野 敦司2、石井 浩一郎2 (1. 公益財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所、2. 東日本旅客鉄道株式会社)

Keywords:Dynamic Track Irregularity, Static Track Irregularity, Track Structure, Probability Density


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