Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Thu. Sep 5, 2019 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM VI-6 (幸町総合教育棟 多目的室1)

座長:黒台 昌弘(安藤・間)

[VI-992] Visualization, analysis, and utilization of actual operation data of construction vehicles -A case of Shin-Katsurazawa Dam-

*中村 泰広1、有坂 壮平1、天野 和洋1、戸澤 清浩1、村上 武志1、坂井 智裕1、藤本 健治郎1 (1. 鹿島建設株式会社)

Keywords:Vehicle operation management system, actual operation, data, visualization, analysis, utilization method

At construction sites, vehicle operation management systems using GNSS and mobile communication are spreading for appropriate operation management of dump trucks and the like. In order to optimize the operation plan and to establish a method for properly arranging vehicles and personnel, it is required to make use of the obtained data going forward. In this paper, we visualize and analyze the actual operation data obtained by our vehicle operation management system, named Smart G-Safe, in construction of Shin-Katsurazawa Dam.

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