Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


水環境 (1)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM VII-1 (幸町総合教育棟 多目的室6)

座長:山崎 慎一(高知工業高等専門学校)

[VII-06] Intergenerational Differences in the Reception of Virtual Reality Regarding the Subject of Coastal Areas

*酒井 孟1、山中 亮一2、藤田 達也1、松重 摩耶2、上月 康則2、原田 亜実1 (1. フジタ建設コンサルタント、2. 徳島大学環境防災研究センター)

Keywords:360 degree panoramic video, Virtual Reality(VR), Coastal area, Reception

This paper investigates intergenerational differences in the reception of virtual reality regarding the subject of coastal areas. Test subjects were shown a 360 degree panoramic video of coastal environments then asked a series of questions regarding their feelings on the video. It was adjudged that younger test subjects had a tendency to focus on moving objects within the scene while older test subjects had a tendency to observe the general seascape. It can be deducted that subjects of a different age range focus on different aspects of the same video. When using virtual reality to improve environmental awareness, age range of the target audience should be considered.

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