Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


放射性廃棄物 (5)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM VII-2 (幸町南6号館 第1講義室)

座長:後藤 考裕(原子力発電環境整備機構)

[VII-165] In site test of backfilling material by spraying method of small cross section tunnel in the Mizunami underground Research Laboratory (2)

*石塚 光1、矢萩 良二1、戸栗 智仁1、松井 裕哉2 (1. 清水建設、2. 日本原子力研究開発機構)

Keywords:Spraying method, Backfilling, Cycle time, Effective clay dry density, Monitoring, 3D sccaner

As part of the development of geological disposal and backfilling technology options for crystalline rock in Japan, we examined the feasibility of full-section spraying method, in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory. In this report, we evaluated the applicability of the spraying method to the small cross section tunnel from the viewpoint of construction and quality. Besides, we evaluated the effectiveness and issues of density measurement and monitoring method implemented as a quality confirmation method.

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