Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM VII-2 (幸町南6号館 第1講義室)

座長:平片 悠河(長岡技術科学大学)

[VII-36] Basic experiment on the oxygen resolution into the water to prevent hydrogen sulfide generation

*盛谷 悠介1、羽田野 袈裟義2、藤里 哲彦3、岩満 公正2 (1. (株)大広エンジニアリング、2. 九州産業大学、3. (有)バブルタンク)

Keywords:Prevention of hydrogen sulfide generation, Oxygen dissolution, Liquid film aeration

In order to prevent from the concrete used for sewage pipe due to generation of hydrogen sulfide, experiments were made to suppress the generation of this gas by resolving oxygen into the water.

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