Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM VII-2 (幸町南6号館 第1講義室)

座長:平片 悠河(長岡技術科学大学)

[VII-38] Effect of disinfection on UV-LED application in the Johkasou

*塩原 拓実1、蛯江 美孝2、柿木 明紘3、山崎 宏史4 (1. 東洋大学大学院、2. (国研)国立環境研究所、3. (公社)岩手県浄化槽検査センター、4. 東洋大学)

Keywords:Johkasou, Ultra Violet Light Emitting Diode, Indicator Bacteria, Irradiation time

As a domestic wastewater treatment facility in Japan, Johkasou are suitable for use in areas with low population density. In the Johkasou, household waste water is treated in situ, and finally chlorination is performed, but a solid chlorinating agent is used, and the dissolution amount is affected by the water temperature, so the disinfection effect is unstable Is a problem. Therefore, in this research, we applied UV-LED developed in recent years as Johkasou disinfection, and examined the disinfection effect using coliform bacteria, coliform coli and enterococcus as indicator bacteria.

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