Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2020 Annual Meeting

Presentation information




[IV-08] Spatial characteristics and utilization rate of block park

〇Syo Uranaka1, Kazunari Tanaka2 (1.Osaka Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering, 2.Osaka Institute of Technology)

Keywords:Block Park, Multiple regression analysis, Utilization rate, Visibility rate

The role of city parks is to create a place for citizens' activities and recreation. At present, the number of users of city parks is decreasing. In this study, the purpose of this study is to consider the relationship between the park facilities and the town, examine the utilization rate, and propose a park design that actively uses the park. Investigate the usage status. The target was around 16:00. A multiple regression analysis is performed on the relationship between the utilization rate and the facilities inside and outside the park. Elements inside the park are extracted from the field survey, and factors outside the park are extracted using GIS. Perform image analysis and calculate visibility.

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