Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2020 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Chair:Haruo Takayama

[VII-46] Investigation of the artificial burrows of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii in the wetland to save fireflies

〇takumi satou1, TSUTOMU KANEUCHI1, KAZUNORI SHIBANO1 (1.Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd.)

Keywords:Firefly, Crayfish Procambarus clarkii, Artificial burrows, Capture survey

In order to maintain the fireflies habitat, it is important to capture the crayfish that feed on fireflies.
In this report, in order to improve the catching efficiency of crayfish, we change the inner diameter of the pseudo burrow using polyvinyl chloride pipe and report the results of the catching survey.
As a result, a large number of small crayfish that could affect firefly larvae could be caught from autumn to winter. The minimum value of crayfish caught in a pseudo-burrow with an inner diameter of 30 mm or less was approximately 10 to 18 mm, and the target crayfish with a total length of 30 mm or less could be caught. From autumn to winter, we aim to increase the number of artificial burrows and capture more.

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