4:50 PM - 5:00 PM
*Yohei Takahashi1, Humihiko Sugai1, Yuya Okamoto2 (1. TAISEI・MURAMOTO・NAKABAYASHI CORPORATION Joint Venture, 2. Osaka Prefectural Government Eastern Sewerage Works Office)
Thu. Sep 15, 2022 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM VII-1 (吉田南総合館西棟 共西11)
Chair: Tsuyoshi Danshita
4:50 PM - 5:00 PM
*Yohei Takahashi1, Humihiko Sugai1, Yuya Okamoto2 (1. TAISEI・MURAMOTO・NAKABAYASHI CORPORATION Joint Venture, 2. Osaka Prefectural Government Eastern Sewerage Works Office)
5:00 PM - 5:10 PM
5:10 PM - 5:20 PM
*Yasuyuki Iwane1, Masahito Kobayashi1, Diepduy Dinh1, Yosuke Ode2, Yasunao Matsumoto3 (1. Tobishima Corporation, 2. Saitama University, 3. Saitama University)
5:20 PM - 5:30 PM
*Ryota Hino1, Kazuki Ide1, Kenichi Fukutake1, Akihide Kamata1 (1. Obayashi)
5:30 PM - 5:40 PM
*Akihide Kamata1, Yu Oshima1, Ryota Hino1, Kenichi Fukutake1, Kazuki Ide1 (1. Obayashi Corporation)
5:40 PM - 5:50 PM
*Naoki Aoyama1, Masamichi Takebe2, Nozomu Hirose2, Kohji Marumoto3 (1. Advanced Engineering Faculty, National institute, Matsue College of Technology , 2. National institute, Matsue College of Technology , 3. National institute for Minamata Disease)
5:50 PM - 6:00 PM
*Hiroji ISHIMOTO1, Hiyori Maehara2 (1. Regional Environmental Laboratory, 2. Japan Advanced Insttiute of Science and Technolpgy)
6:00 PM - 6:10 PM
*Keigo Fukuda1, Hiroko Sumida1, Tomohiro Yamasaki1 (1. Toyo Construction co.,LTD.)
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