Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


新材料・新工法(構造) (2)

Thu. Sep 15, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM V-8 (吉田南総合館南棟 共南01)

Chair: Kenichiro Nakarai

12:00 PM - 12:10 PM

[V-264] Crack Initiation Strength of Outer-Shell-Structure Using High-Strength Mortar with Embedded Mesh Reinforcement

*Yuki Yokota1, Devin Gunawan1, Naoki Sogabe1, Satoru Kobayashi1 (1. Kajima Corporation)

Keywords:Formwork, Productivity Improvement, High Strength Mortar, Sprayed Mortar, Outer Shell Structure, Crack Initiation Strength

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