Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


プレキャストコンクリート (4)/疲労・衝撃

Thu. Sep 15, 2022 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM V-9 (吉田南総合館南棟 共南11)

Chair: atsushi takeda

3:50 PM - 4:00 PM

[V-310] Experimental study on fatigue behavior of concrete floating support with joint for floating offshore wind platform

Tomohisa Miura1, Kazumasa Nishikouri1, Tetsuya Ishikawa1, *Satoshi Komatsu2, Yuto Yamanoi2, Toyofumi Matsuo2 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

Keywords:floating offshore wind platform, concrete floating support, fatigue behavior in water, high strength concrete, joint

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