Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


非破壊試験法 (2)

Fri. Sep 16, 2022 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM V-4 (吉田南総合館西棟 共西31)

Chair: Kentaro Ohno

4:00 PM - 4:10 PM

[V-477] Experimental Study on Rayleigh-Wave Velocity Calculated by Frequency Analysis and its Application to Evaluation of Voids in Concrete

*Takuro Aonuma1, Satoshi Iwano2, Shinya Uchida3 (1. Toyama Prefectural University, 2. Rikku, 3. Toyama Prefectural University)

Keywords:Non-Destructive Test, Internal Void, Impact-Elastic Wave Method, Rayleigh-Wave, Phase Difference, Phase Velocity

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