Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


自動化システム (1)

Fri. Sep 16, 2022 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM VI-14 (吉田南総合館東棟 共東11)

Chair: Satoshi Yamanaka

2:50 PM - 3:00 PM

[VI-660] Verification of safety standards for automated construction machine -Evaluation experiment of wireless emergency brake system-

*Ken TAKAI1, NAGATANI Keiji2, Ryosuke YAJIMA2, Hiroaki AOKI1, Akio ENDO1, Koichi GOTO1 (1. Taisei Corporation, 2. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:i-Construction, automated construction machine, functional safety, wireless emergency brake

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