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一般セッション(第一部門:物理数学力学問題 ー物理現象のモデル化から逆問題までー)

物理数学力学問題 ー物理現象のモデル化から逆問題までーA

Sat. May 16, 2020 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM A会場 (A)

座長:山本 真哉(清水建設㈱)

[S01A-06] A mathematical model for the interaction of point-like scatterers in an elastic wavefield

*Terumi Touhei1 (1. Tokyo University of Science)

Keywords:inverse scattering analysis, interaction of point-like scatterers, elastic wavefield

It is known that the interaction of point-like scatterers causes the divergence of the interaction equation.
The mathematical justification to avoid the divergence of the equation is an important issue.
This paper shows the possibility of removing the singular part of the interaction equation in the case that the point-like scatterers are characterized by the deviation of the Lame parameters.
A numerical example of the inversion of the point-like scatterers is also presented for the case that the interaction effects are introduced.