
Presentation information




Sat. May 16, 2020 3:25 PM - 5:00 PM C会場 (C)

座長:小林 俊一(金沢大学)

[S03C-04] Evaluation of angle of repose and internal structure for binary granular mixture using DEM analysis

*Masato Taue1, Yukio Nakata1, Shintaro Kajiyama1 (1. Yamaguchi University)

Keywords:Discrete Element Method, Angle of repose, Particle Size

In order to evaluate the particle contact force and internal structure inside a binary granular mixture, the previous experimental tests for angle of repose were simulated by DEM analysis. Then it was clarified that the contact force distributed due to the increase of the large particle content and the angle of repose, and that the contacts with higher contact force existed more in the lower center of the sand pile.