
Presentation information




Sat. May 16, 2020 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM D会場 (D)

座長:岩崎 理樹(北海道大学)

[S04A-03] Experimental investigation on drainage faculty of pipe flows connected to manhole

*Youichi Yasuda1, Makoto Ishikawa2, Hideyuki Saino3 (1. Nihon University, College of Science and Technology, Dept. Civil Engineering, 2. Japan Sewage Works Agency, 3. Okayama City, Sewerage River Bureau)

Keywords:Drainage faculty , Discharge coefficient, Manhole, Local flow

Experimental investigation on hydraulics in pipe flows connected to manhole yields that a stable flow in manhole is significant for the improvement of drainage faculty. The installation of a drop between inlet and outlet pipes connected to manhole and the installation of a control plate in manhole were proposed in the connection with angle of 120 degrees between inflow and outlet pipes at manhole. In this case, outlet pipe has 470 o/oo slope. The discharge coefficient for inlet pipe flow could be increased from 0.62 to 0.73, and the discharge was up to 30 % increase.