
Presentation information




Sat. May 16, 2020 3:25 PM - 5:00 PM D会場 (D)

座長:音田 慎一郎(京都大学)

[S04B-05] Numerical modeling of flood-induced oil spill calculated by conservative CIP

*Kodai Takahashi1, Toshiki Iwasaki1, Yasuyuki Shimizu1 (1. Hokkaido University)

Keywords:Numerical simulation, Oil spill

This study proposes a numerical model of flood-induced oil spill by coupling a flood model (iRIC-Nays2D Flood) and Eulerian-type oil transport model with conservative CIP scheme We firstly apply the model to a simple oil-spreading condition to conform the model performance by comparing between model result and Fay’s theoretical model. We then perform a numerical simulation of a real-scale oil spill happened in the 2019 flood in Saga, Japan. The result suggests that proposed model reasonably reproduce the observed behavior of the oil transport induced by the flood flow.