
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (1.Mathematical analysis for mechanics problem: forward- and inverse-modeling in civil engineering)


Sat. May 28, 2022 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Meeting room A (Online)

座長:関屋 英彦(東京都市大学)

4:30 PM - 4:45 PM

[2A22-27-05] Basic Study on Modeling of Dynamic Response in BWIM

*Kohei Maruyama1, Ikumasa Yoshida1, Hidehiko Sekiya1 (1. Tokyo City University)

Keywords:BWIM, Observation error, Autocorrelation, Filtering, Dynamic response

This paper studies the modeling of dynamic response for an efficient bridge weigh-in-motion (BWIM). Rather than modeling the dynamic response directly, this study considers it as noise with autocorrelation or remove it by filtering. In the former case, the dynamic response is considered in the form of a covariance matrix of observation noise, composed of the residuals of the measured and calculated responses, in a Bayesian framework. In the latter case, the dynamic component is simply removed from the response by high-cut filter considering the natural frequency of a bridge. The accuracy of them are compared with synthesized response data of a hypothetical bridge.