
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (1.Mathematical analysis for mechanics problem: forward- and inverse-modeling in civil engineering)


Sat. May 28, 2022 5:10 PM - 6:40 PM Meeting room A (Online)

座長:中畑 和之(愛媛大学)

5:40 PM - 5:55 PM

[2A28-33-03] Identification of defects using topological derivatives for QNDE with laser measurement data

*Takashi Nakazono1, Hitoshi Yoshikawa1 (1. Kyoto University)

Keywords:QNDE, Laser ultrasonic, identification of defects, topological derivative

Identification of defects using topological derivatives for QNDE with laser measurement data is considered.
In previous studies of an identification of defects in an elastic material using topological derivatives, the topological derivatives are defined with the displacement vectors measured on the surface of the material.
However, only the normal component of the particle velocity on the surface is able to be obtained with the laser ultrasonic measurement.
In this study, topological derivatives are calculated using normal particle velocities on the surface of the material.
We solve a simple defect identification problem using the proposed topological derivatives.
We can show that the defects are determined with sufficient accuracy using the topological derivatives calculated with the normal component of the particle velocity on the surface.