
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (4.Fluid mechanics)

4.Fluid mechanics

Sat. May 27, 2023 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM D (6号館 3階 6309室)

座長:音田 慎一郎(京都大学)

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

[14001-04-04] Measurement of flow and sediment velocity distribution through fixed bed with difference surface-roughness (Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Atsuko MIZOGUCHI1,2 (1. Meijo University, 2. Tohoku University)

Keywords:Velocity of Sediment Transport, hydraulic roughness, PIV/PTV

Many researchers focus on sediment transport through fixed bed made from concrete or soft rock because of sand -wear phenomena. However, we cannot take care with surface roughness with sediment transport. In this research, I focus on changing hydraulic roughness with sediment transport. I conduct flume experiments to measure flow and sand movement velocity distribution with PIV/PTV, and indicate the discussion point of changing hydraulic roughness.