
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (1.Mathematical analysis for mechanics problem: forward- and inverse-modeling in civil engineering)


Sun. May 28, 2023 10:10 AM - 11:40 AM A (6号館 4階 6410室)

座長:野村 泰稔(立命館大学)

10:55 AM - 11:10 AM

[21006-11-04] Seismic Response Analysis of Earth-fill Dam with Use of GPR to Estimate Spatial Distribution of Ground Stiffness (Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Shin-ichi Nishimura1, Ryota Ohashi3, Yuxiang Ren1, Minoru Kaneshige2, Tshifumi Shibata1, Takayuki Shuku1 (1. Okayama University, 2. Lagrof Civil Design , 3. Shimizu Corp.)

Keywords:3-dimensional survey, 3-dimensional seismic response analysis, Gaussian process regression, earth-fill dam

In this study, for the purpose of incorporating the three-dimensional survey technique into the design of geo-structures, an earth-fill dam is surveyed three-dimensionally by a drone, and a three-dimensional finite element model of the dam is made based on the survey results. The spatial distribution of the ground rigidity is estimated based on screw weight sounding test results, and then applied to the 3-D FEM modeling. The Gaussian process regression is used to model the random field for the subsurface ground. Finally, the FEM model is applied to a seismic response analysis, and the locations of high acceleration and high shear stress inside the earth-fill dam are identified.