
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (2.Computational Mechanics)


Sun. May 28, 2023 10:10 AM - 11:40 AM B (6号館 4階 6418室)

座長:田中 聖三(広島工業大学)

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM

[22007-12-03] Accuracy Verification of Sensitivity for Elasto-plastic Topology Optimization at The Elastic Unloading Point (Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Mutsuki Fujiwara1, Hiroya Hoshiba1, Koji Nishiguchi1, Junji Kato1 (1. Nagoya University)

Keywords:Topology Optimization, Elasto-plastic Material, Elastic Unloading

Topology optimization is a design method that has been developing rapidly in recent years, but has not been used much for designing nonlinear problems due to the difficulty of sensitivity analysis caused by path dependence and other factors. To address this problem, Kato, Hoshiba, et al. succeeded in reducing the computational complexity of sensitivity analysis by neglecting the implicit derivative term in the sensitivity analysis. However, it is known that reliable sensitivity has not been obtained for cyclic unloading. In this study, the accuracy of sensitivity under repeated unloading will be investigated based on the method of Hoshiba et al.