
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (2.Computational Mechanics)


Sun. May 28, 2023 10:10 AM - 11:40 AM B (6号館 4階 6418室)

座長:田中 聖三(広島工業大学)

11:25 AM - 11:40 AM

[22007-12-06] Influence of modeling of spatial variation of surface profile on simulated dynamic response of railway track (Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Kazuhiro Koro1 (1. Niigata University)

Keywords:rail surface profile, stochastic FEM, stochastic collocation method, spatial variation, covariance kernel

The variation of wheel-rail contact force induced by the spatial variation of surface profile of rails is simulated with the stochastic FEM (SFEM) and the stochastic collocation method. The spatial variation of rail surface profile is prescribed with Karhunen-Loeve expansion. The covariance kernel of the surface profile is modeled with 6-type functions. The influence of modeling of the spatial variation of the surface profile on the simulated force is isvestigated through numerical tests.