
Presentation information

Common session

Organized Session(数値解析の検証と妥当性確認(V&V)、不確かさ評価)


Sun. May 28, 2023 12:40 PM - 2:25 PM B (6号館 4階 6418室)

座長:西尾 真由子(筑波大学)

1:10 PM - 1:25 PM

[22013-19-03] On Numerical Properties of Finite Element Procedures for Eigenvalue Analysis of Solid Vibration (Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Takahiro Yamada1 (1. Yokohama National University)

Keywords:Numerical Verification, Elasticity, Eigenvalue Analysis, Vibration, Exact Solution

This paper discusses numerical properties of finite element procedures for eigenvalue analysis of free vibration of elasticity. Exact solutions for a three-dimensional rectangular domain with the slip boundary condition, in which stationary modes of P-wave and S-wave can be obtained separately, are adopted for comparison with numerical solutions. Eigenvalue distributions of the finite element solutions are characterized in detail.