
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (5.応用数理問題―計算機科学から社会科学まで)


Sun. May 28, 2023 10:10 AM - 11:40 AM D (6号館 3階 6309室)

Chair:Aiko Furukawa(Kyoto University)

11:10 AM - 11:25 AM

[24007-12-05] Frequency Identification Method that can Separate Amplitude-dependent Stiffness Reduction and VBI effect(Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Naohiro Ida1, Kodai Matsuoka2, Kiyoyuki Kaito1 (1. Osaka University, 2. Railway Technical Research Institute)

Keywords:Natural frequency, PRC girder, Crack breathing, VBI effect

Bayesian TV-ARX method has been proposed for estimating the time-varying natural frequencies of PRC high-speed railway bridges from the displacement during train passages. However, existing method cannot separate the bridge frequency reduction effects caused by the crack breathing and vehicle-bridge interaction. To overcome this, a new model was folmulated that introduced the AR coefficient temporal function consisute of the amplitude- and VBI-dependent terms. As a result of numerical validation, the instanteneous frequency reduction could be estimated and the two effects can be separated by the posterior distribution of each term.