Chubu branch, Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2024 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Fri. Mar 1, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM 第5会場 (5215)

Chair: Naoto Naito

4:48 PM - 5:00 PM

[III-25] 摩擦則を導入したペリダイナミクス法による盛土の地震時破壊解析

*Ryo Asaga1, Taiki Shimbo1, Tomiki Kawamura2, Yutaka Fukumoto3 (1. National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College, 2. GODAI KAIHATSU, 3. Nagaoka University of Technology)

Keywords:盛土, 地震, 亀裂, 摩擦, 地震応答解析, ペリダイナミクス

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