
Session information


[SL] 特別講演

Modeling and Simulation of Complex Coupled Multifield Problems – from Basic Research to Advanced Applications
Wolfgang A. Wall

Thu. Jun 2, 2022 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM Special Lecture Room (AU 3F Multipurpose Hall)

6月2日 (木) に、2021年度計算工学大賞受賞者のドイツ・ミュンヘン工科大学 Wolfgang A. Wall教授の特別講演を開催致します。 特別講演に引き続き、計算工学大賞授賞式を開催致します。

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Modeling and Simulation of Complex Coupled Multifield Problems – from Basic Research to Advanced Applications

Wolfgang A. Wall
Funding Director of Institute for Computational Mechanics & Center for Computational Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Rector of International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy

When I got the opportunity to start my own research group, I had given it a short mission statement that we have been following ever since: application-motivated fundamental research. The idea was to identify unsolved problems with high relevance in different fields of engineering and the applied sciences and then develop novel and powerful solutions that can be applied in industry or hospitals etc. Due to the complexity of current challenges in most fields, many problems turn out to need consideration of the interaction between different fields and scales. And really innovative and powerful solutions need the consideration and incorporation of many areas – from theoretical aspects in nonlinear continuum mechanics, to advanced numerical mathematics, hardware aware implementations to high performance computations. Given the broad interests of JSCES membership, in this plenary lecture I plan to cover some different areas where we were able to achieve major advances in recent years – with the common scheme of advanced modeling and simulation of complex coupled multifield problems.

The first topic will be powder based metal additive manufacturing where we have developed novel approaches for important questions on all relevant scales – from powder bed, via melt pool and complex phase changes to thermo-mechanics of full-scale parts. In a second part I will briefly address novel questions arising with new types of electro-chemical storage systems, namely all-solid-state batteries, and related crucial questions in electro-chemo-thermo-mechanics.

The third part will be on biomechanics where I will try to sketch the spectrum from advanced basic research on tissue level to powerful full organ models that are on the way of being applied bedside in hospitals around the world.

If time allows, I will conclude with addressing recent advances in incorporating uncertainties into simulations even for complex, nonlinear and large scale systems – both for forward simulations (UQ), for identifying global sensitivities (SA) and inverse analysis (IA). Being able to efficiently address these aspects will even further increase the relevance of work done in our community of Computational Engineering for many application scenarios.

With highest appreciation of breadth and depth of the Japanese scientific community in Computational Engineering, and the wonderful tradition that I have been allowed to witness over the last decades, namely that also many young researchers attend the respective scientific meetings, I hope to be able to provide some inspiration of always new opportunities in our field and encourage everyone to reach for the stars.

Wolfgang A. Wall教授の公式Webサイト(外部サイト)

International Centre for Mechanical Sciencesの公式Webサイト(外部サイト)





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