Tohoku branch, Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2024 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Sat. Mar 2, 2024 2:50 PM - 4:20 PM 第II部門:第3会場 (G28)

Chair: Kazuya Watanabe

4:10 PM - 4:20 PM

[II-56] 東日本全域を対象としたワイン用ブドウの栽培適地の要因分析と将来予測

*Takuya Matsumoto1, Yusuke Hiraga2, So Kazama2 (1. Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tohoku University, 2. Department of Civil Engineering, Tohoku University)

Keywords:Climate change, Viticulture, Maximum entropy model, Mesh agricultural meteorological data

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