Tohoku branch, Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2024 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Sat. Mar 2, 2024 1:10 PM - 2:10 PM 第II部門:第1会場 (G18)

Chair: Tomoaki Hirakawa

1:20 PM - 1:30 PM

[II-7] 日本全国のため池における流況指標に応じた水力エネルギーのポテンシャル

*Atsuya Ikemoto1, So Kazama1, Takeo Yoshida2, Ryosuke Arai3 (1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Hydro-Environment System Laboratory , 2. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 3. Sustainable System Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power)

Keywords:Irrigation reservoirs, Renewable energy, Hydropower, Stream regimes, potential

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