Tohoku branch, Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2024 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Sat. Mar 2, 2024 2:50 PM - 4:30 PM 第VI部門:第1会場 (G35)

Chair: Kazunori Sato

2:50 PM - 3:00 PM

[VI-7] 大型振動ローラの振動輪加速度応答を用いた土堰堤の施工効率化について

*Sho Sakon1, Nagai Shiko1, Yasuhito Suzue2, Kazuhiro Kozima2, Shintaro Sawada2 (1. Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc., 2. MAEDA CORPORATION)

Keywords:embankment, Acceleration response , Shortened construction period

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