Tohoku branch, Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2024 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Sat. Mar 2, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM 第VII部門:第2会場 (G2大)

Chair: Takuya Suzuki

11:00 AM - 11:10 AM

[VII-24] As還元およびFe還元細菌による貯水池堆積物からのAsおよびFeの溶出特性

*e.g. Namiki e.g. Matsuhashi1, e.g. Yuki e.g. Hosoya1, e.g. Ayumi e.g. Ito1, e.g. Nao e.g. Ishikawa1, e.g. Makoto e.g. Sasamoto1 (1. Iwate University)

Keywords:Sediment contaminated with arsenic, Activated sludge, Arsenate reducing bacteria, Iron reducing bacteria, Anaerobic cultivation, Arsenic and iron dissolution

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