The 50th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists



Oral Presentation 07
Technology (genome editing, bioinfomatics, big data) and Fertilization, gametogenesis, reproduction

2017年5月11日(木) 13:00 〜 15:00 Room C (2F 瑞雲)

Chairperson(OP07-1~3): Yasunori Sasakura (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Chairpersons(OP07-4~10) : Shosei Yoshida (NIBB) / Yoshiyuki Seki (Kwansei-Gakuin Univ.)

13:48 〜 14:00

[OP07-05_P087] 雄性生殖細胞発生におけるDDX6を介したP-bodyの必要性

Ryuki Shimada1, Yumiko Saga1,2 (1.Department of Genetics, School of Life Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 2.Division of Mammalian Development, National Institute of Genetics)

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