The 52nd annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation 2

Poster Presentation 2

Thu. May 16, 2019 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM Poster (1F Atrium)

[P-068] SUFU and GLI regulate the dynamic progression of mammalian cochlear hair cell differentiation

Tianli Qin1, Chin Chung Ho1, Boshi Wang1, Chi Chung Hui2,3, Mai Har Sham1 (1.SBMS, HKU, 2.Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, 3.Department of Molecular Genetics, The University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)

Keywords:Shh, Gli, Sufu, Hair cell

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