The 52nd annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation 1

Poster Presentation 1

Wed. May 15, 2019 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Poster (1F Atrium)

[P-093(OP4-09)] The mechanism about the growth of collagen crystal involved with fin skeletal development.

Junpei Kuroda1, Takeshi Itabashi2, Atsuko H Iwane2, Toshihiro Aramaki1, Hibiki Nakagawa1, Shigeru Kondo1 (1.FBS, Osaka Univ, 2.Biosystems Dynamics Center, Riken)

Keywords:collagen, bone, fin, zebrafish, ECM, mesenchymal cell, actinotrichia

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