The 52nd annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation 1

Poster Presentation 1

Wed. May 15, 2019 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Poster (1F Atrium)

[P-140(OP5-09)] Unraveling 3D structure of functional compartments in the developing cerebellum: Spatiotemporal analysis in zebrafish

Kanae Hiyoshi1, Narumi Fukuda1, Kyo Yamasu1, Sachiko Tsuda1,2 (1.Grad Sch of Sci and Eng, Saitama Univ., 2.Research and Development Bureau, Saitama Univ.)

Keywords:Cerebellar circuitry, functional compartmentalization, Calcium imaging, Purkinje cell, zebrafish

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