

Oral Presentation

Oral Presentation10 Transcriptional regulation & Epigenetics

2023年7月24日(月) 12:45 〜 14:15 Room A (2F 橘)

Chairpersons:Tatsuya Takemoto Takemoto(Tokushima Univ.), Nayuta Yakushiji-Kaminatsui(RIKEN IMS)

13:15 〜 13:30

[OP10e-3] Single-Cell CRISPR Activation Screen in Primary Embryonic Hepatocytes Identifies Potent Transcriptional Regulators for Metabolic Gene Activation and Embryonic Gene Suppression during Maturation

シングルセル解析をリードアウトとしたCRISPR Activationスクリーニングによる、胎児肝細胞の成熟分化における代謝関連分子の活性化および胎児型遺伝子の抑制を担う転写制御因子の同定

*Atsuhiro Taguchi1, Alexandre Magalhães1, Helene Kretzmer1, Denes Hnisz1, Lars Wittler1, Alexander Meissner1 (1. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics)

14:00 〜 14:15

[OP10e-6] Chromosome landscape and positional identity in axolotl limb regeneration


*Akane Kawaguchi1,2, Jingkui Wang2, Dunja Knapp2,3, Prayag Murawala2, Sergej Nowoshilow2, Wouter Masselink2, Yuka Taniguchi-Sugiura2, Jifeng Fei4, Elly Tanaka2 (1. National Institute of Genetics, 2. IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, 3. DFG Center for Regenerative Therapies, Dresden, Germany, 4. Department of Pathology, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, China)




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