The 29th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy

Presentation information

Invited Lecture

[IL2] Invited Lecture 2

Tue. Sep 12, 2023 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Room 1 (1001-1003, 10F, OICC)

Chair:Yoshikatsu Eto(Advanced Clinical Research Center, Southern Tohoku Institute for Neuroscience/ Prof. (Emeritus) Tokyo JikeiUniversity School of Medicine)

Sponsored by AnGes, Inc. 

[IL2-1] Improving efficacy and safety of AAV vectors for in vivo gene therapy

Hildegard Büning (Hannover Medical School)

1997-2003: Post-doctoral Fellow, Gene Center of the LMU Munich, Germany
2004-2015: Research Group Leader, Laboratory for AAV Vector Development, University of Cologne, Germany
Since 2015: Research Group Leader, Laboratory for Infection Biology & Gene Transfer, MHH, Germany
Since 2017: Deputy Director, Institute of Experimental Hematology, MHH, Germany

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