


[NA] 日本核酸医薬学会 共同企画

2023年9月12日(火) 09:45 〜 11:15 第2会場 (10F 1009)

座長:小比賀 聡(国立大学法人 大阪大学大学院薬学研究科),小泉 誠(第一三共株式会社 モダリティ研究所)

[NA-1] 核酸医薬品の進歩:個別化遺伝子治療の新たな潮流

佐藤 秀昭 (ルクサナバイオテク株式会社)

キーワード:Oligonucleotide therapeutics, Antisense drug development, Nucleic acid chemistry application

In March 2004, after leaving Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture, Department of Applied Life Sciences, I joined Gene Design Co., Ltd. as a researcher. After working as the general manager of Technical Service and Marketing Division and executive officer, I became the business director and acted as a counter to the acquisition by Ajinomoto . I was involved in the launch and management of nucleic acid medicine CDMO business, GMP manufacturing project management for nucleic acid medicine, joint research with universities, and initial clinical trials of malaria vaccines. I launched Luxna Biotech Co., Ltd., a start-up company from Osaka University (Co-founder Professor Satoshi Obika), and assumed the position of President in February 2018, and currently serves as President and CEO. I'm secretary of the Regulatory Science Subcommittee of the Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Society of Japan.
Professional: Oligonucleotide process chemistry, Oligonucleotide therapeutics development, RNA therapeutics

