The 29th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy

Presentation information


[S2] Symposium 2"Onvolytic virus and cell-based therapy”

Mon. Sep 11, 2023 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM Room 2 (1009, 10F, OICC)

Chairs:Toshiyoshi Fujiwara(Okayama University, Institute of Academic and Research, Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences),Hirouiki Mizuguchi(Graduate School and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University)

[S2-4] Next-generation oncolytic vaccinia virus

Takafumi Nakamura (Tottori University Faculty of Medicine)

He joined Professor Stephen J. Russell laboratory in molecular medicine program at Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, USA as a postdoctoral research fellow (2002 - 2004) and research associate (2004 - 2005). He worked as Sakigake Researcher (2006 - 2009) and Project Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo (2009 - 2012), and as Associate Professor at Tottori University (2012 - 2023), Japan. In 2023, he was appointed as Professor in the Division of Genomic Medicine, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine, Japan.

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