第61回日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会学術講演会 / 21st APAGE Annual Congress


[APAGE] Live Surgery (live case demo sessions)

APAGE » Live Surgery (live case demo sessions)

Live Surgery 1 (live case demo sessions)
Surgical Staging for Endometrial Cancer by Laparoscope

2021年9月11日(土) 14:10 〜 15:40 第4会場 (5F 503)

Chairperson:Masaki Mandai(Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Japan)

[Live Surgery 1-2 (live case demo sessions)] Surgical Staging for Endometrial Cancer

Kuan-Gen Huang (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan)